For current Monticello Academy, please log on Ease to view more detailed descriptions and forms for medical, vision and dental plans, as well as costs for various plans:

Ease link and instructions

Medical plans:

We do provide 2 high deductible Health Saving Account (H.S.A.) plans, one with Blue Shield, and one with Kaiser. For those who are not familiar with Health Saving Account, please read an overview below, or you can search the subject on the  web:

Health Saving Account explained

If you choose the H.S.A., Monticello Academy will contribute $100 per month to your H.S.A. account (administered by Sterling), plus $2.50 fee per month. If you want to contribute an additional amount of your money to your H.S.A. account, please contact Mr. David Truong. The money deposited into the HSA is not subject to federal income tax at the time the deposit is made; please confirm with your accountant. For more details about Sterling, please click here.

Kaiser H.S.A. (2021-22)

Kaiser HMO (2021-22)

Blue Shield PPO / H.S.A. (2021-22)

Blue Shield HMO (2021-22)



Delta Dental (2021-22)

Our Delta group number is 07917-07361. The dental office usually needs your social security number and birthdate.


VSP (2021-22)


Employee contributions:

Monticello Academy will contribute $100 per month into your Sterling H.S.A. account for those who elect H.S.A. plan. You can switch between Blue Shield HSA and Kaiser HSA, and maintain the same Sterling H.S.A. account. The employee’s contribution amount for yourself are:

- $11 per paycheck for Kaiser plans

- $14 per paycheck for Blue Shield plans

- $1.50 per paycheck for dental plan

- $0.50 per paycheck for vision plan.

We are under bi-weekly payroll, so there are 26 paychecks per year.

We do not offer insurance for family members. However, you can add family members to your plan and get a group discounted rate under our company, but you would need to pay for them. Please log on Ease, enter your family members to figure out the additional costs.